mike, you re featured in tonight s episode because you had chance to talk with some of these comedians who struggled with mental health issue, depression. why do you think it s common? i don t know if comedy causes depression or depression causes come comedy. when you have a spark of madness, you do have to think differently. by thinking differently it can cause you to sometimes lose touch with the norm. what we just saw with jonathan winte winters, this is a guy thinking differently and if you re that many levels removed from normalcy, it can cause you to go crazy in which case he was institutionized for many years. you think there might be something to it with always looking for the big laugh, being a comedian as you are working through that itself can take a toll on the psyche. if you re up on stage and you
overseas. it s like you go to a dinner party and yell out my wife is fat. you look around and say who invited that guy. he s talking about u.s. intelligence and u.s. inspections and what happened with a server from a democratic party in an international setting. everybody s got to be sitting around thinking, what is this guy thinking. it s odd. it s weird. susan, what is your reaction? is he just caught up in his own world? it s an incredibly strange thing. i don t think anyone believes everyone is talking about that at the g-20. the president appears to be confused. john podesta did not give the dnc servers to the fbi, not the cia. they weren t his to give in the first place. in continuing to muddy the waters on the stories of what
in fact, the judge ruled that his miranda rights were violated. they violated his miranda right which is his fifth amendment right to remain silent when at the engaged in the v.a. police. photographer charges. those were thrown out on pre-trial motions. we went to trial tuesday. the government just really couldn t make its case. they couldn t prove that he posted the flag on the fence. steve: unbelievable. why do you think, mr. rosebrock, you were initially charged? i mean, what was that guy thinking? well, to me, it s just straightforward retaliation. we won a federal judgment against the v.a. for engaging in nine illegal real estate deals inside. and we exposed it. and the v.a. got behind closed doors and called celled it they promised veterans homelessness and they didn t. we continued on with our protest. they are just trying to
working with the national republican party, working with the state parties, working with the local parties on this effort to protect the integrity of the vote. watch those polls. they ve been bragging that they re working with the rnc on this. the rnc in this statement telling us they do not coordinate with the trump campaign in any efforts to prevent of remedy vote fraud. in order to save the republican party on this, they re going to have to divorce themselves from donald trump. i wonder if they ll think it s worth it? the candidacy of donald trump for president of the united states has not been a gift to the republican party this year. but on a night like this, with this much at stake for the party, this thing they ve been trying to defeat for 35 years and him plainly not caring about it at all, what does he care if the republican party is still stuck he doesn t care. it s not going to affect him after this. the republican party s got to be looking at these court filings and looki
it s not going to affect him after this. the republican party s got to be looking at these court filings and looking at this guy thinking, what else can this guy do to us? i don t know what s going to happen here, but watch this to move quickly in federal court in new jersey. watch this space. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by mg every dollar count. that s why i have the sparcash card from capital one. with it, i earunlimited 2% cash back on all ofy purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cashack from spark means thousands of dollars each year gog back into my business. which dsuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? but the best place tostart. kubo: i spy something beginning with. s beetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow covered trs. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outsi to discover incredible animals and beautiful plants that come gether