not at all. that s what you re telling us. we believe them. yes. how do folks react to this? it s a very interesting situation. i think in the end, people would be shaking in their boots. is the guy sweating? guy is sweating very concerned about this point. as a great wife what would you be saying? alarmed. very upset this is happening. i think it s exposed for a reason. i m glad it s exposed so it can stop. so this doesn t keep happening. do these folks kind of deserve this? yes. i think it s ironic but definitely. they re cheaters. if i was involved with a website, and my name was released i would be on this program with a skillet dent in my head from my wife. on the website, it said 100% guaranteed safe. don t those people have a big
camera one, please. can you hear me now speaking? is that about the right tone of voice? good evening, the television and radio stations of the united states and their affiliated stations are proud to provide when the networks offered a debate, kennedy immediately said yes because he was sure he could do better than nixon. i think mr. nixon is an effective leader of his party. i hope he would grant me the same. the question before us is which point of view and which party do we want to lead the united states. mr. nixon, would you like to comment on that statement? i have no comment. if you are live on television and there is a camera right here there is no place to hide. once you see a guy sweating when asked a question, are you sure he is the leader for you? that s the question before the american people and only you can decide what you want, what you want this country to be, what you want to do with the future. i think we re ready to move.
the tight shot on camera one. hear me now speaking in is that about the right tone of voice. good evening, the television and radio stations of the united states and their when the networks offered a debate, kennedy immediately said yes because he was sure he could do better than nixon. i think mr. nixon is an effective leader of his party. i hope he would grant me the same. the question before us is which point of view and which party do we want to lead the united states. mr. nixon do you have a comment on that statement? i have no comment. if you are live on television and there is a camera right here there is no place to hide. once you see a guy sweating when asked a question, are you sure he is the leader for you? that the question before the
let me see the tight shot on camera one, please. can you hear me now speaking? is that about the right tone of voice? good evening, the television and radio stations of the united states and their affiliated stations are proud to provide when the networks offered a debate, kennedy immediately said yes because he was sure he could do better than nixon. i think mr. nixon is an effective leader of his party. i hope he would grant me the same. the question before us is which point of view and which party do we want to lead the united states. mr. nixon, would you like to comment on that statement? i have no comment. if you are live on television and there is a camera right here there is no place to hide. once you see a guy sweating when asked a question, are you sure he is the leader for you? that s the question before the american people and only you can decide what you want, what you want this country to be, what you want to do with the
lot of people to kennedy. the tight shot on camera one. do you hear me now speaking? is that about the right tone of voice? good evening, the television and radio stations of the united states and their affiliated stations are proud to when the networks offered a debate, kennedy immediately said yes because he was sure he could do better than nixon. i think mr. nixon is an effective leader of his party. i hope he would grant me the same. the question before us is which point of view and which party do we want to lead the united states. mr. nixon, would you like to comment on that statement? i have no comment. if you are live on television and there is a camera right here there is no place to hide. once you see a guy sweating when asked a question, are you sure he is the leader for you? that the question before the american people and only you can decide what you want this country to be and what you want to do with the future.