american embassy in turkey, killed a turkish security guard in what the white house describes as a terrorist attack. the turkish prime minister said a marxist group likely carried out the attack, a group with anti-american and anti-nato gruesome, and the group is considered a terrorist organization. all of this months after militants in libya assaulted our post there in benghazi and killed four americans including our and. amy kellogg with the news. what do we know about the guy suspectesuspected of doing this. reporter: hi, shep. we know he was about 40 years old. he had been part of this marxist outlawed group that the prime minister talked about today. he had been involved in the late 90s o 90s in attacks. he had been put in jail. he had gone on this massive hunger strike and then he became very sick and he was released, and he had gone under the radar screen until this point, until