face dressed as harry belafonte to sing a song. ainsley: there was this guy michael adamson a businessman from vancouver. he was somehow connected to the school s community. he got ahold of one of these yearbooks. he said he saw it back in july and felt like the public needed to see it. this is what happens in a political campaign. the guy saw it in july and now let s time magazine know one week after justin trudeau says i m going to run refor re-election at the end of october. it s wrong. he apologized for it. he said he was sorry. this was 18 years ago. he was 29 years old. listen to this. aladdin costume and put makeup on. i shouldn t have done that when i was in high school, i dressed up at a talent show and sang dale with makeup on. i didn t consider it a racist action at the time but now we know better.
it would have killed a lot of people. it already sizzled when the guy saw it. the vast majority of these terror attacks it is a nut job that gets a gun like this guy in tunisia or like the guy with the hatchets with the cops. how are you going to stop someone who is absolutely self-starting and he wants to chop a cop s head off? i think we know they re going to happen. it s like attacks are going to happen, and they re going to happen more on these holidays and these times so we should be more vigilant and looking out but i think we should carry on. go show up to these events. it is a paranoid nation. go spend the money. beat them at the source. why do police matter and the other is national security? no everyone matters.