The reopening of South African schools for the new academic year has been postponed by two weeks in the wake of rising new covid-19 variant cases.
“All stakeholders were united in supporting a delay in the opening of schools. Given the pressure experienced by the health system in the past weeks due to covid-19, the council of education, ministers in conjunction with NCCC and cabinet has taken a decision to delay the reopening of both public and private schools by two weeks, Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Reginah Mhaule said.
The government will need to roll out a mass vaccine education programme, alongside its national programme, to ensure close to 67% of the population is vaccinated.
William Johnston s portrait of David Gardiner Jr. (1762-1763)
Walter Griffin s “Portrait of a Lady” (ca. 1897). Neither the sitter nor the feathers she s wearing have been identified by the curators.
William R. Wheeler s Still Life with Watermelon (1865)
Frederic E. Church, The Charter Oak at Hartford (ca. 1846)
John Brewster Jr. s Boy Holding a Book (ca. 1810)
Thomas Cole, Study for “A Wild Scene” (1831)
Childe Hassam, The Dry Northeaster, Isles of Shoals (1906)
Theodore Robinson s Autumn Sunlight (1888) If you’re looking for an image of uptight New England thrift, you can’t do much better than Ralph Earl’s “Mrs. Guy Richards of New London” (1793).…
The world is in the grip of a massive resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic, in which SARSCoV-2, the coronavirus, appears to have produced a variant suspected of such great transmissibility that even the most stringent attempts at mitigation by non-pharmaceutical intervention is failing to contain the spread.
More chillingly, the increased spread of the virus is generating a corresponding acceleration in the numbers of people getting infected and, by extension, is exposing health systems in even the best resourced countries to an overwhelming burden with which they’re increasingly unable to cope.
Humanity is now facing the full force of the greatest public health emergency in modern history, with no sign that the force of the pandemic will abate anytime soon. The only instrument humanity now has to contain the pandemic, effective vaccines, are becoming available through an uneven and desperate race among nations. Even this hopeful intervention will not bring solace anytime soon