have have strength. strength comes in many, many different forms. but that is basically his essence. i am strong, i am powerful, i can protect us, i am daddy. so whatever form. it can t be pure intellect, it can t just be charisma, likability. that is the one thing and certainly biden certain kind of strength and cam a but you need to be strong to go at trump . a case you ve been making of not just your political career but your professional career. but that s an argument is that not a form of strength? i get concerned this is not the gender issue, i don t think she projects the same strength. this is me as a branded guy liking at people s et, who can
cliff. they still may be a bad actor. will containment? where we ought to be aiming is denuclearization. destroy the weapons they have. you ve got to get the weapons out of there. they pose a threat not just to the region, they pose a threat to the united states. is that realistic. and to the world. can any president do that? president obama couldn t do it. george w couldn t do it. clinton couldn t do it. we ve been trying since the 90s, remember the clintons tried to give them coal so they wouldn t go nuclear. the part that keeps changing. you asked me for my optimistic scenario is the allies. we were never going to be able to do this on our own. we didn t do iran on our own. we didn t saddle up and ride in on a horse. will she help us? that s the question. has she looked over the border and said wait a minute, we ve got a guy liking that with nuclear weapons right on our border? we need to rethink this.