on the landsberg puts up his sleeve he s.favo [laughter] what is your favorite joke i know you have ja favorite who . most popular guy in the news call me?guy the guy who can carry two copies in 12 donuts. (see his hands are full with the coffee. [laughter] why do hummingbirds problems? because they can t talk to court they do not have the words. is a bug they would hit the twindshield? don t have th agae guts to do that again.p? [laughter] wind is a duck wake up? i do noquact know. the crux clock of dawn. [laughter] knock knock, who is their provoked interrupting cow. move. she knows it. she knows it, she already knew sh it. plus how to make a waterbedwa bounceter?h, coax a waterbed? add the - springwater.