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Canada’s institutional investors plan to pour more money into private equity this year, in part to get a stake in the next Airbnb, DoorDash or Nuvei before these tech companies go public, according to a new study from law firm Torys LLP.
A survey of more than 100 executives at institutions such as pension plans found that 76 per cent of investors plan to increase or maintain the amount of capital they put into private equity funds in 2021. Torys’s survey, conducted by research company Ipsos in November and December, found most fund managers had an optimistic view on the sector’s prospects. That upbeat view was in contrast with investors’ concerns over putting more money into public companies that command lof
but he was more definitive earlier when he said at no time, at no time has the white house asked for nor have i provided any promises or commitments concerning the special counsel s investigation or any other investigation. and they say that he stands by that statement. so he s basically saying it s not true without that seems to be the implication of what he s saying. now, one very minor point. the times story says that jeffrey berman, who had been the u.s. attorney appointed by president trump, had recused himself. actually, u.s. attorneys can t recuse themselves. he was recused by a person in the justice department, a senior person, at the urging of other people in the u.s. attorney s offices because they just thought it wasn t appropriate for him to be involved. and the times says that s what whitaker was thinking of, i can t unrecuse that since the justice department had made the decision. what s the part they didn t think was appropriate? why was this guy berman not in