presidency but throughout his lifetime, for him, women are expendable. women are not deserving of dignity. they are not deserving of equality. they re not deserving of humanity. we have seen how he treats women day in and day out, and tara went in and talked about all of the instances when he has degraded and objectified women. so when you have that tone at the top, you re going to surround yourself with people or the people that are surrounding you are going to take that cue from you. if you are the president of the united states, in the oval office, they re going to see something that comes through your desk to say, oh, well this guy beat his wife. oh, well, you know, if the president of the united states can grab women by the genitalia, then this is not a big deal. but i want to talk about how insidious this is in other ways. one of them is what does this say to our young girls? i m the mother of a 10-year-old girl who is very curious, and she sees those pictures of the woman with
we heard from both campaigns, it was their estimate turnout seemed high to the moore campaign and jones campaign but those anecdotes and impressions are hard to cturn into real dat on election day. we ll find out soon enough what the turnout was. i mean, bottom line here, in alabama and a state like alabama, it is widely believed it would take a miracle for a democrat to win a state-wide seat right now, let alone a u.s. senate seat. it s been a decade since a democrat won a state-wide seat in alabama and that was a lieutenant governor chase. that guy beat luther strange i should mention. a democrat won a state public commission seat a couple years after that but public service commission. but that s the level of detail you have to go to to find big democratic statewide victories in alabama politics over the last decade. that s it. this is not an ordinary time for american politics.
reporter: more than 63 1/2 years on the thrown is a truly impressive british record. in terms of living monarchs elizabeth is second to one person, that is thailand s longest reigning monarch and he became king in 1946. that is 69 years on the thrown. louis we 14th reign. he ruled france for 72 years. that s the longest reign in european history. this, though, is king and reigned 82 years. there s a chance that this guy beat his record by 12 years. king pepi ii was the last king
will this last? he will drop out if he doesn t make debates or will he flame out? at the moment necessary second place in new hampshire. there was a fox news poll earlier this week that had him in second nationally. we have a new poll nationally tomorrow. let s look at those numbers. he is having the biggest impact. he is not a politician. dr. ben carson is doing well. so you have dr. carson and mr. trump beating the senator. he looks like he s having fun and enjoying and it able to speak off the cuff. the question is how long can that last? at what point do republican voters say can this guy beat hillary clinton who we assume would be the democratic nominee? can we get the white house back with donald trump? that s where the other candidates think this flame out. he is a good public speaker. you see 30th. a good showman. he knows how to promote his own brand and he is going to be no question unless the polls just collapse no question he s going to be in the first and probably the
will this last? he will drop out if he doesn t make debates or will he flame out? at the moment necessary second place in new hampshire. there was a fox news poll earlier this week that had him in second nationally. we have a new poll nationally tomorrow. let s look at those numbers. he is having the biggest impact. he is not a politician. dr. ben carson is doing well. so you have dr. carson and mr. trump beating the senator. he looks like he s having fun and enjoying and it able to speak off the cuff. the question is how long can that last? at what point do republican voters say can this guy beat hillary clinton who we assume would be the democratic nominee?