Almost a month after Kerala SC/ST Welfare Minister K. Radhakrishnan, who belongs to the Scheduled Caste community, recalled an incident when he faced discrimination during a temple festival, a fresh row is in the offing when the Guruvayoor .
As many as 41 elephants of the renowned Guruvayoor temple near Thrissur in Kerala will undergo a month-long rejuvenation therapy, starting Saturday.State Minister of Animal Husbandry J.Chinchurani will kick-start the process by feeding a huge .
On the occasion of World Elephant Day, 88-year-old elephant ‘Tara’, who has been with the Guruvayoor Devasom for the past 64 years and taken care of like a baby
On the occasion of World Elephant Day, 88-year-old elephant 'Tara', who has been with the Guruvayoor Devasom for the past 64 years and taken care of like a baby owing to the advanced age, is the cynosure of all eyes.August 12 is celebrated as .