In Gurgaon, an average of 10 vehicles are stolen every day, with only a small percentage of cases being resolved by the police. Out of the 2,478 reported motor vehicle thefts in the first eight months of this year, only 286 cases have been solved. The low resolution rate is attributed to the quick transportation of stolen vehicles out of the state, inadequate surveillance infrastructure, and sophisticated techniques employed by criminals.
Upon his arrival at the station, police met Kumar, who filed a formal complaint on Thursday. Sandeep Kumar was accompanied by his employer Manish Arora, who stays at Sobha City in sector 108.
The police said an argument broke out between the two during which Nathupur resident Ajay Singh shot Pintu Kumar in the abdomen with his licensed rifle, causing his death.
A joint team of police and Sakhi, a one-stop crisis centre, rescued a 14-year-old girl from Jharkhand hired by a couple to care for their child from New Colony, officials said on Tuesday.