Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) faces a major setback after 25 years of alliance with BJP as its candidate secures only 90,220 votes compared to over 3 lakh votes secured by the former alliance partner in Ludhiana. SAD's candidate Ranjit Singh Dhillon faced defeat for the third time, lacking support and unable to make an impact in urban areas without BJP's backing.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) said heat wave conditions over northwest, central and east India were likely to continue with reduced intensity during the next three days.
As the results of the parliamentary elections on 13 seats will be doled out on Tuesday, the winners in Punjab will takes it all — not just the seats in the Lok Sabha but the prestige and honour that was involved in the multi-cornered high-staked ballot battle.
The warm political winds
The counting of votes for the 13 Lok Sabha seats in Punjab, conducted on June 1, will begin at 8 am on Tuesday at 117 counting centres, set up in 48 buildings at 27 locations across the state. To oversee the counting process, 64 counting observers, drawn from all-India services and civil
BJP seemed to face a tougher-than-earlier battle in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Haryana. Read our analysis of how the elections in three states went ahead of results on June 4.