The film collected Rs 70.23 crores of gross at the worldwide box office just in three days (as of the end of Sunday). Kushi is mining gold at the box office. We shall update area-wise collections of the film shortly:
Visakhapatnam : RINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has organized “Customer Meet” on Monday at Gurajada Kalakshetram of Ukkunagaram of RINL. Around 100 Customers from all over country along with Exports customers have attended the meeting. RINL has a lar
Take over makeshift hospital built by steel plant, CITU urges officials
‘Immediately recruit doctors and staff for the facility’
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A total of 200 beds ready out of the proposed 1,000-bed hospital set up by the Steel plant at Gurajada Kalakshetram in Visakhapatnam.
‘Immediately recruit doctors and staff for the facility’
Members of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) have urged the district administration to takeover the 1,000-bed hospital that was readied by the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant(VSP) with immediate effect and declare it as a COVID hospital.
CITU State president Ch. Narasinga Rao said that based on the directive of the Ministry of Steel, the VSP has built the makeshift hospital at Gurajada Kalakshetram on a war-footing and about 200 beds with oxygen supply is already ready for takeover.