the fees on the gun. this is actually jim crow, you put the burden on lower income individuals, they are not allowed to defend themselves. lower income communities, neighborhoods, high crime areas, communities of color, that s what s so disgusting. the reason it s theater is because these jackasses on the city council clearly have bigger political ambitions of their going to have all these guns rights groups pay for the legal fees when they have their pantsuit off of them they are going to use it for public relations but it s not anywhere. jesse: great point, again. i ve made none of them but i will summarize all of them. greg: you re not supposed to, you re leading the segment. jesse: thank god. america is already struggling with gas prices, all the other insurance have to pay for, talking about sending your kids
take the guns first, go through due process second. raise the age. two things the nra doesn t want. most republicans in congress vote for it until they re forced to by their president. does he mean that? or is it i m saying this for the cameras today and it doesn t matter what i mean tomorrow. when you talk about gun control on the right when they talk about con physician indication confiscation of guns, it doesn t apply to the president. i think they re looking to him what to do. he s put himself in the center of this and they don t know how to act. he told steve scalise he s not going to get his closed carry reciprocity bill. they re looking to him to see exactly what he means, because i don t think they thought he meant everything he said in that meeting. you make a good point, because some guns rights groups would say, next knock on the
accommodate everyone but paul says the group is being, quote, petty because he is a member of two other guns rights groups. the kentucky senator is also facing criticism from mike huckabee with his heated interview this week. when yoir running for president, all is fair in love and war. you need to expect you re going to have a lot of fast balls aimed at you and how you handle them is part of the process. it s part of the game. so any question is fa. it s how you handle it. it s like the pitcher can throw what he wants. the question is can you either put it in the third deck or do you rush the mound and take the pitcher on. in the meantime it will be history in the making at the summit of the america s meeting where president obama sitting down with the cuban president for the first time since the two nations began normalizing relations. our senior white house correspondent reports from pawn ma.
oppressive organization out to take away american freedoms. that s a very long-standing caricature of atf by guns rights groups. how does that practically affect the way the agency is able to do its work. in atf you have to be tough because they re going to be shooting real bullets at you and shooting all that criticism at you all the time. then you re beat up political a lot of times, you re a political football. you can t get much support sometimes or traction in washington. there s been a lot of heros for atf in the congress, in the committees, the appropriations leaders have helped us to, you know, stay alive as a viable law enforcement agency in the department of justice. one of the main ones in the government. here s a fact that s interesting. in 1972, and i went on atf in the 70s, there was 2500 agents. there s still 2500 agents. 39 years later, there s been no increase in agents in the atf. and there s no law enforcement agency in the federal government that s had that happe
you re all pulling in the same direction, but i saw on the ground in nevada, yeah, there may have been competition from unions pulling for harry reid, but there was nothing functioning well in the get out the vote effort in nevada. those outside groups tried to do it, they really failed. it really seemed like amateur hour. it was people who were airlifted in who weren t part of any organic nevada power structure at all. isn t there some disadvantage to the rnc being boxed out by these outside groups? well, i think you just identified a key problem in nevada. it was something certainly i was on conference call after conference call talking about and how we make those corrections, how we make those investments to make sure we re doing everything that we can to win that seat, which unfortunately we did not. but as far as outside groups, we have to remember it s also an entirely different structure that they deal with. you know, we have are limited to an individual donating $3400 at a