It’s time for the Security Council to assert its prerogatives and push forcefully to take the United States out of its unilateral leadership role for resolution of the Palestine question, Rashid Khalidi tells the UN Security Council.
Ambassador Gunnar Jarring Visits UN Headquarters Preview Language: Silent 28-Feb-1968 00:01:28 Ambassador Gunnar Jarring of Sweden, UN Special Representative in the Middle East, visits Secretary-General U Thant in his office.
Available Language: Silent
ANKARA: Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel’s Government resigned here today [March 12], following an ultimatum from the Turkish Armed Forces. The resignation came a little more than four hours after the country’s military chiefs threatened to take over the Government if a new Cabinet, able to meet the country’s demands, was not formed. The Armed Forces were placed on a state of alert when the military leaders’ ultimatum was broadcast. . The military chiefs . threatened to take over the country unless a new Government was formed immediately and measures taken to improve political and economic situation.
A Government Spokesman said Mr. Demirel was going to the Presidency to hand in his Government’s resignation. A new Government will be formed within the country’s formal democratic processes, the spokesman said. It would normally mean that President Cevdet Sunay would call on a political leader to form a Government following Presidential consultations with . political leaders.
UNITED NATIONS: Israel has formally rejected the United Arab Republic demand that it should withdraw from all Arab territories occupied in the 1967 war, informed sources said here. Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban today [Feb 27] hinted in an Israel Army radio interview that Israel could not withdraw from three occupied Arab areas Sharm el Sheikh, at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem, and the Syrian Golan Heights.
But in reply to the UAR peace proposals, Israel has agreed to enter into “territorial negotiations”, the sources said.
Israeli ambassador Yosef Tekoah delivered his Government’s response last night [Feb 26] to the UN envoy Dr. Gunnar Jarring. Mr Tekoah said after his 75-minute meeting with Dr. Jarring that he had transmitted “the Israeli position which makes it possible for Israel and the UAR to get down now to working out in detail the provisions of the peace agreement. .” He did not elaborate on his last sentence. “In submitting their own proposal