south korea right now covering the olympics. andrew, walk us through this. hey, stef, thank you. i ve been thinking a lot about what s going on in our country since the latest school shooting. just another tragedy. as you know, i m a follow the money guy, so i m always trying to figure out if the government can t do it, is there something, is there leverage somewhere in the system? when you start to think about the opportunity. all of these gunmakers and folks who retail guns, that sell guns. when i talk about guns in this particular instance, i m talking about assault rifles. i m talking about high capacity magazines. i m talking about bump stocks. the things that people think are really the worse of the worse at this point. and it seemed to me, as i started looking through how this whole world is financed, that it s very easy or it could be easy if the credit card companies, that s the visa, american express, mastercard,
about the legislation this morning, we plied, quote, we ll talk about that later. the last gun control push of bipartisan bill on background checks by west virginia is joe manchin and pennsylvania s pat toomey failed in the senate four years ago. that was in the aftermath of the shooting of 20 children and 6 adults at the sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. dean heller, the republican senator from nevada said this today about the kind of accessories that would allow gunowners to turn semiautomatic weapons into automatic weapons. you can go on the internet right now, and there are videos on the internet right now that will show you how to manipulate a semiautomatic and turn into it an automatic weapon. we need to talk to some of the gunmakers and figure out. there has to be a way to be able to stop it. i think at this point, i think we need to have, again, that discussion with the gunmakers and figure out if there is a way we can keep this manipulation from happening
discussion with the gunmakers and figure out if there is a way we can keep this manipulation from happening in the future. joining us now, david frum, and democratic congresswoman jacky rosen who represents nevada s third district. congresswoman rosen, thank you very much. tell us about the impact of this event on the community and what you think it will mean to the gun debate in washington. well, this is the worst tragedy in american history. what does it mean to our community? our community is mourning. and it means everything to us. mothers and fathers sent their children look what a beautiful night it is. they sent their children to a concert, a beautiful country western concert, and they never get a call that their child is safe. they hear the gunshots on tv, waiting and waiting for that call. so we re a community in mourning. we re a community that is coming together with heart and soul. our first responders, our police
is backed by the national rifle association. president trump, when asked about the legislation this morning, we plied, quote, we ll talk about that later. the last gun control push of bipartisan bill on background checks by west virginia is joe manchin and pennsylvania s pat toomey failed in the senate four years ago. that was in the aftermath of the shooting of 20 children and 6 adults at the sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. dean heller, the republican senator from nevada said this today about the kind of accessories that would allow gunowners to turn semiautomatic weapons into automatic weapons. you can go on the internet right now, and there are videos on the internet right now that will show you how to manipulate a semiautomatic and turn into it an automatic weapon. we need to talk to some of the gunmakers and figure out. there has to be a way to be able to stop it. i think at this point, i think we need to have, again, that
the aftermath of san bernardino, you can see the divide, the political polarization which republicans say we should be talking about terrorism and isis and lone wolves. instead, the democrats totally buy in, all three, to the idea we have to do something about gun control. so sanders finds himself on the defensive because he has been a supporter of gun rights in a state like vermont. then he says, oh, i have stood up when i was mayor of burlington to gun interests. that was news to me by the way. and then you have clinton saying hey, stop. it s not the case that i flip-flopped on my positions. everybody trying to say i m the toughest one when it comes to gun control. how different than anything we re hearing from the republicans. and david, there s this constant conversation that came up again tonight about immunity of gunmakers and manufacturers, which a lot of people say listen, are you going to go back to cars that kill people? where are you going to draw the line? but democrats,