because the tennessee stat legislators passing laws lik permit miss carrie, passin laws that say that we need t reduce the aid for people to carry guns from 21 to 18 we need to make it so that you do not need to have a lot of training for you to carr rifles, and shotguns around in public we have a community that i under siege by gun violenc every single day, and though i is not only a mass shooting, but one in two and three peopl too often in memphis and shelb county are being killed by gun violence and the reality i that legislation has ramifications. and it an action does as well. and this republican-le legislator is only leaning int more inaction as it relates to assault weapons and as i relates to guns instead of doing what the people ar asking us to do, which is to d something that could meaningfully help ou communities and save our lives the pastor bills that they kno will not have more of positive impact for us you were expelled yesterday and there is questions about what happ
circuit will likely appeal t the supreme court. the supreme court will be th last person, or the last group to weigh in on this. in the next seven days, we wil have a better understanding of what access looks like as it relates to medication abortion and if this is to bill regimen is taken off the mark, it we will likely see provider switch over to this only regimen that is slightl less effective then the two pill regimen. chloe atkins, thank you s much for weighing in on al that from there now, everyone, to tennessee. where national outrage i focused after two blac lawmakers were expelled, and a third white colleague spared after protesting gun violenc on that states house floor nbc s chris is joining us from nashville priscilla, another welcome, th tennessee three, they have now both spoken with all three rather, with president biden vice president harris. what we know about those conversations? alex, we know that presiden biden met with those three lawmakers, virtually, than
they never did a thing about that when you have a history like tennessee s, your state has an obligation to try harder the state of tennessee as state officially committed treason against the united states of america. the state of tennessee waged war against united states of america. there is a lot to be ashamed o in the history of the state of tennessee. the state of tennessee was never going to end slavery the state of tennessee was never going to allow black people to vote it took the united states of america to force the state o tennessee to do those things a gunpoint in a state where gun violenc changed the course of american history, tennessee owes this country proof that it is tryin harder tennessee, a state where the reverent dr. martin luther kin junior was assassinated an change the course of history
lobbies around putting a comprehensive approach t reducing gun violence in state instead of listening to th people they would rather get checks and support from the nra and design bills at the bret officially in tennessee than they will to ban assault rifles, at least bring the permittin process they had in tennesse back that would allo background checks and allo people to be educated on the use of guns, so that we ca have a responsible community around guns. tennessee has one of the highest rates of gun violenc in the country you are more likely to die b guns than anything else righ now, if you are a child. that is a catastrophe to me, that s something that needs to be solved and needs to b solved now they don t want to do anything about, it so we need to have educated folks, like representative justin jones an representative justin pearson, who s challenges what you want to do, you want to flex your power and show your fragility, and take them out of office. we ve never seen anything
the tennessee legislature neve expelled a single member of th ku klux klan from that legislature. the tennessee legislature neve did anything about the hundred of lynchings of black people that occurred in the state o tennessee. they never did a thing about that when you have a history like tennessee s, your state has an obligation to try harder the state of tennessee as state officially committed treason against the united states of america. the state of tennessee waged war against united states of america. there is a lot to be ashamed o in the history of the state of tennessee. the state of tennessee was never going to end slavery the state of tennessee was never going to allow black people to vote it took the united states of america to force the state o tennessee to do those things a gunpoint in a state where gun violenc changed the course of american history, tennessee owes this country proof that it is tryin harder tennessee, a state where the