question. so putin also is under that gun timewise. question. so putin also is under that gun timewise. if i may add it s not ust that gun timewise. if i may add it s not just families that gun timewise. if i may add it s not just families in that gun timewise. if i may add it s notjust families in russia, - that gun timewise. if i may add it s notjust families in russia, even i that gun timewise. if i may add it s notjust families in russia, even if| notjust families in russia, even if the conservative estimates of those soldiers the conservative estimates of those soldiers killed hicks 7000 it s a possibility a few thousand more but the bodies possibility a few thousand more but the bodies will start coming back but also the bodies will start coming back but also an enormous number of wounded but also an enormous number of wounded and of course vladimir putin is an expert wounded and of course vladimir putin is an expert at this information and absolutely is an exper