those lives. yeah. we thank our law enforcement for this service. but i think that it is really sad when you have someone like kamala harris politicizing tragedies and things of this nature. you know, with with all of the, you know, they push for gun controls and these gun measure. s but that would not have stopped this criminal for having these gunses on top that have, we have we see shoot physician, i call them mass shootings in places like baltimore and chicago. done by black black on other black men but you never hear them say nothing like that so to them or her our black lives does not matter as far as only headlines that she can politicize this is people like her, we don t need them running anything in our country maybe go run to be the president of the book club but not the president of the united states. okay joe biden things have gotten so bad there s a headline here i think it is from
mother. she is the managing director of sandy hook promise which aims to make a difference in the wake of this kind of violence. nicole, thanks so much for coming on today. i have to say that as a parent myself, when i speak to people like you, my heart goes out. and i just wonder, when you see this violence repeated again and again, what is your reaction? it saddens and infuriates me that this continues to happen. you would think by now we would have learned our lessons and found ways to come together to provide real solutions to make changes and save lives. so already i ve sensed that this moment likely will not be different, a question we asked after sandy hook and so many other attacks, because you hear the president, you hear republicans repeating the same talking points on why this gun measure or that gun control measure won t make a difference. what s your reaction when you hear that as well?
divisions within the new democratic house majorities are well known. look no further than the republican majority from way back in 2018 when the caucus was fractured. the new reports overnight are laying out just how dramatically the democratic divisions are coming to a head. multimal reports say nancy pelosi lashed out at moderates for voting with republicans on a key gun measure. we are either a team or we are not and we have to make that decision. on top of that freshman congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez threatened to put her democratic colleagues on a list to be primaried, something he her spokesperson confirmed. what is going on here? it s what you said. too much of a good thing isn t always wonderful. this is true of both parties.
i said if the president is on board, knowing that he s going to protect the second amendment the same as i am and pat toomey and everybody else, we can get something done. was hope hicks there? she wasn t. she would have communicated that. i did not see her there. i just heard about this walking in. this is the first time i ve heard about it. neil: all on the same day as you know, senator, the president and his attorney general add loggerheads again. what do you think of that? there s a lot going on. a lot to digest. i understand. this is the mode of operation for them. he s able to function through that. everyone has their own style and their own comfortable level. neil: you sound surprised. a little bit unusual. neil: your colleagues and what they make of this, how willing are they to help out on a gun measure, particularly democrats that might think that republicans are not giving up enough on gun control per se? you would tell them what? neil: i ve said this bef
they already have an incentive to do their job. it is called a job. and if the governors, i mean, i ve listened to a lot of our governors who i love dearly talk about the need to do something, the need to do something. and i look, i understand that. they could start with making sure their states are cooperating with the database. okay. so, senator, you say you support the spirit of the measure being proposed by john cornyn. you sound like you want states to comply here. yes. in order to get to that spirit, in order to achieve that spirit, in order to achieve anything, is there any gun measure, any legislation you can conceive of supporting? i don t think we need more gun control laws. not a single one? no. i think we need more idiot control. look what happened here. there were, what, 40 different calls placed on who is i m sorry, you use