the layout of the explosive like this until much, much, much later. and you notice one other thing, the metal box in the back end e,gun locker, a cardboard box is what it was, where there were weapons at some point are their thoughts. it s a rare look at how a bomb was designed to work, it didn t work, but depending on how you approach it the elements were there to make a very horrific explosion. like the columbine guys, if they were used improperly, hard to get going. it sounds like, tom, you re right, it s a rare illustration. you hear the items, gas, propane, batteries and you light something and it all goes up, but it s not that easy to do when thank goodness he proved he was not very adept at doing something like this. tom foreman, we appreciate the
this is a little more sophisticated but not much. depending on how he tried to use it. if they were counting on this m-88 to blow up between the gas cans, for that to fire off an explosion which would then create enough heat to light the propane tanks, i think the odds of that are not good. likewise the m-88 back by the propane tanks, i don t see any reason to believe that an explosive like that would penetrate tanks like that. however, and this is the important part, if the idea was that these propane tanks were supposed to be open filling the car with propane and then these things went off, then you would have had a pretty horrific explosion combining both the propane and the fuel, the gasoline, inside of there. so, this was the design of this whole thing. i don t yet quite know what the ignition system was, unless this was actually wired into the car s ignition system to light off these silver salutes, the m-88s that should have started the whole thing. this is a rare look. you ofte
landfall yet, and that s fantastic. the older the oil is, the more it will actually be easier to pick up, because it will be clumpier and a lot of it will evaporate. they ll lasso it and burn it or they ll try again. or they ll do this. this is our off the radar for today. they are trying to build these booms. they are making these containment barriers and these barriers are going to catch the water. almost think about getting a leak in in a puddle or a pond and all of a sudden you put a cup over the top of it, and you can stop it with a cup. it s almost like what was the guy that put his finger in the dike? was that, i don t know, tom thumb? you got me, man. it s an old nursery rhyme. i don t read those anymore. but it s a very big project and they re going to put it on top of these leaks. the oil still going to be allowed to leak and then they ll vacuum it off. what is the time frame now? they are still getting the thing ready, but when they can get it on there? probabl
the other thing we can remember is the forensic fensi evidence may not only identifyre one person, but it may be more person than one person. a moving around the pro propane tank, the gasoline containers and the gun locker that was there and all of the different wiring and the police will notice it better of more than one person. it may be more than one person needed to set this device up u so the police have afhi tremendous amount of things to work with. is i think there is a forensic similarity to other bombings as mentioned.failed the failed detonators in the shoe bomber and the under wear
time, he was on the no-fly list. and last thing to you, sir, oftentimes this issue i m going to ask you about gets politicized a bit, but the idea of mirandizing a suspect in a case like this. you heard eric holder he wasn t read his miranda rights initially. we were getting a lot of information from him. we read him his miranda rights and we continued to get information. what s your take on if and when a suspect of this nature, a possible terrorist, should be mirandized and how it could jeopardize a case? well, seems to be working for us. we are a nation of laws. we celebrate that we operate under the rule of law, under miranda that if he wants to talk to you, fine, after you advise him of his rights and he wants a lawyer, you give him that lawyer. it would appear in this case he gave information voluntarily initially, when advised of his rights, he continued to give information. i think if i m not mistaken the detroit bombing incident had similar chain of events. all right, wel