within the community, who knew also about this, who could have spotted this. there s going to be a lot of discussions in the community as well right now. the governor s message about guns was to parents to lock them up. obviously a sensible message for any parent with a gun. but i wonder what law enforcement thinks about the frequency and the fact that so far in 2018, more children have died in their schools than service men and women have died in service to this country. so, back in the 1990s when i served on the new york state legislature, the gun lock issue was a huge issue. it was as a result of safety. we were concerned about children hurting each other with a gun that was left unattended. now obviously the debate has changed, and so i fully expect the gun lock issue is going to rise up as well as the gun safety. we ve watched it back and forth as to whether or not it s going to work. the objection has been wait a