Party insiders said Julia Mathebe had been exonerated by the national dispute resolution committee after allegations emerged that she was not qualified for the mayoral job.
The ANC has been dealt yet another blow when opposition parties closed ranks and shared the top three positions at the hung Thabazimbi local municipality in Limpopo.
The African National Congress (ANC) was dealt yet another blow when opposition parties closed ranks and shared the top three positions at the hung Thabazimbi local municipality in Limpopo on Tuesday. The ANC obtained 11 seats after the 2021 municipal elections, while the five opposition parties garnered a total of 12 seats.
Statement of The ANCYL National Congress National Youth Task Team
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The ANCYL National Congress National Youth Task Team held its first meeting on 9 April 2021 until 11 April 2021. This was as the movement commemorated the 28th anniversary since the death of the revolutionary and militant comrade Chris Thembisile Hani as well as in the year of Charlotte Maxeka, one of the finest leaders produced by the liberation movement and a pioneer of the struggle for the emancipation of women. The appointment of a female Convenor and Coordinator is an unprecedented move and marks the first time in the history of our great organization where women are at the he