38th Session of the UPR Working Group Session
Wednesday, 12 May 2021, 14:30 â 18:00
Proposed comments and answers by Sierra Leone
Delivered by: H. E. Ambassador Dr. Lansana Gberie
Madame Vice President,
It is my privilege to provide the Government of Sierra Leoneâs response to the following thematic issues.
Socio-economic livelihood
Sierra Leone is firmly committed to a comprehensive approach to Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that a successful implementation of the SDGs must directly address human rights issues in the broadest sense, including the right to education and development. The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development is our focal point for the implementation of the SDGs. This ministry coordinates the SDGâs implementation across all government ministries, departments and agencies. It also leads the Government of Sierra Leone’s work on the Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the SDGs and participated in the 2nd VNR organised by the Un
Cuttington University to Honor its former Student, Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament
Cuttington University to Honor its former Student, Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament
Gbarnga, Bong County – Cuttington University is expected to honor its former student and Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament, Honourable Sidie Mohamed Tunis, this weekend at the university’s Suakoko campus, the university has disclosed.
Tunis, who is a 1989 graduate of the university, bagged a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry during his four-year enrollment.
Since his graduation, Tunis has acrued unto himself a wealth of experience in legislative politics and governance. And, according to the university, the honor is meant to acknowledge his ascendency since his graduation in 1989.
Sidie Mohamed Tunis, the right honorable speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, is expected to deliver a keynote address at the Cuttington University’s commencement in Gbarnga, Bong County, on Saturday, April 17, 2021.
Right Honorable Tunis will address an audience composed of government officials, faculty of the members, members of the staff of the ECOWAS Parliament, graduates, family members and well-wishers.
The speaker is an alumnus of the Cuttington University having graduated in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.
Honorable Tunis is currently a member of the Sierra Leonean Parliament representing constituency 101, Pujehum District. He is the most ranking member in the parliament at present having entered there since 2002.
January 11, 2021
BY Andrew Keili
It would seem that the latest reports from Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) have sparked a considerable amount of controversy. Simply put, people are split along two lines. Those who are not fans of the current government remark that with such incriminating reports, they do not have the moral high ground to indict members of the previous regime for corruption. Some supporters of the government say accountability has improved and dispute many aspects of the audit findings. Some go so far as to infer the Auditor General (AG) has a hidden motive to disparage the present regime. Not surprisingly, this has been laced with ad hominem attacks on her, with some calling for her sacking. Some are also drawing wrong inferences from the ACC’s investigations into some of the NaCOVERC related audit findings to say her work was “much ado about nothing”. After all, they claim, “the “missing computers” were not missing and the generator, the ACC claim
It would seem that the latest reports from Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) have sparked a considerable amount of controversy. Simply put, people are split along two lines. Those who are not fans of the current government remark that with such incriminating reports, they do not have the moral high ground to indict members of the previous regime for corruption.
Some supporters of the government say accountability has improved and dispute many aspects of the audit findings. Some go so far as to infer the Auditor General (AG) has a hidden motive to disparage the present regime. Not surprisingly, this has been laced with ad hominem attacks on her, with some calling for her sacking. Some are also drawing wrong inferences from the ACC’s investigations into some of the NaCOVERC related audit findings to say her work was “much ado about nothing”. After all, they claim, “the “missing computers” were not missing and the g