Campaigners say the ecologically extraordinary waters of the Western Balkans are facing potential devastation from hydropower projects. But the tide may be.
Badan Pangan Nasional menerbitkan aturan penyaluran cadangan beras pemerintah (CBP). Salah satu poinnya penyaluran ke keluarga tidak mampu bisa mendapatkan beras sebanyak 20 kilogram dengan harga terjangkau.
do a p.r. play out of this. don t forget hundreds of thousands of ukrainians forcibly deported into russia. 500,000 according to the ukrainians, as much as a million according to the russians. often being taken to the far east to remote areas. i thought he might have said these people willingly volunteered to go. but i m very, very worried about their fate as well. to the ukrainian kind of psyche, including my parents where they were born from here, is, of course, memories of gulog and people being tortured at church, other institutions being liquidated. this stealing of grain brings back memories of the famine of 32, 33. so a lot of the rhetoric, but a lot of the russian actions are just absolutely horrifying to the ukrainians here. of course, you and i and the rest of the world, scott, too, we ve all been covering the atrocities here on the ground, not just in mariupol, which has
of the largest workplace reforms in decades. it will end the use of forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment and assault claims. it means victims will be able to seek justice in court instead of undergoing closed, often secretive legal proceedings. according to lawmakers, more than 60 million americans are currently subjected to these arbitration clauses in employment contracts. this bipartisan bill already passed the house by an overwhelming majority and it is headed to president biden for his signature. as you know, marjorie taylor greene is a fan of nazi analogies and this one, like so many of hers, went horribly wrong. not only do we have the dsz jail, which is the d.c. gulog but we have nancy pelosi s gazpacho police spying on members of congress, spying on the legislative work we do, spying on our staff and spying on american citizens that want to come talk to their