The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) on Thursday registered a criminal case against former minister Sunder Sham Arora, Neelima, IAS, and 10 government officials for transferring an industrial plot to a realtor company and allowing it establish township by dividing plots.
The Vigilance Bureau on Thursday registered a case against former minister Sunder Sham Arora, IAS officer Neelima, besides 10 government officers/officials for the transfer/bifurcation of an industrial plot to a real estate company and for allowing it to establish a township by cutting plots.
The Vigilance Bureau (VB) on Thursday registered a case against former minister Sunder Sham Arora, IAS officer Neelima, besides 10 government officers/officials for the transfer/bifurcation of an industrial plot to a real estate company and allowing it to establish township by carving out plots.