part of the way we aim to stop this crisis is by raising awareness of how devastating and deadly drug addiction can be. that s why we re so pleased that president trump has chosen to donate his salary this quarter to the planning and design of a large scale public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction. hhs is proud to be working with the white house on this effort. our team of public health expects brings a great deal of experience and expertise to the table regarding how to make these campaigns effective. at hhs our goal is to create healthier lives, stronger communities and a safer country. we re glad to have a president that recognizes that the opioid crisis is a huge threat to all three of these goals. the president is personally dedicated to defeating this crisis because addictions hits home for so many of us. you heard him share the story in his opioid speech about how he lost his own brother to alcoholism. speaking personally, opioid addiction has been a prese
my hometown and my family for years. it was years ago in fact that i lost a close relative that constantly struggled with opioids. so this christmas and holiday season, all of us should consider following the president s example and think about what we can do in our private lives to help on a crisis that is tearing american families apart. thanks again for having me here today and thanks once again to president trump for his generous donation. thank you. thank you, acting secretary hargan. appreciate you being here today. do you have a cold, sarah? i have strep throat. if you can bear with me. i may sip water here. thanks for your concern. i may not stay as long as normal. we ll start with you on questions, steve. with all of these reports
administration, president trump has driven action on it across the federal government. speaking for hhs in particular, earlier this year, we unveiled a comprehensive strategy that attacks the opioid epidemic on five fronts. the five points are, better data on the epidemic. better research into pain and addiction. better pain management. better targeting of overdose reversing drugs. and better prevention treatment and recovery services. this strategy devotes hhs unique resources and expertise to empowering heros on the front lines of this crisis. because after all, it s our local partners in community clinics, churches, law enforcement, schools, and state and local tribal governments who ultimately are going to turn the tide on this epidemic. they are fighting each day face-to-face with the drug crisis that is killing more than 175 americans every day. just think about that for a second. that means we ll lose 7 of our fellow americans to drug overdoses during this press briefing alone.
earlier this year we unveiled a comprehensive strategy that attacks the opioid epidemic on five fronts. the five points are better data on the epidemic, better research in pain and addiction, better pain management, better targeting of overdose reversing drugs and better prevention treatment and recovery services. we are devoted to empowering heros on the front line of this crisis. it s our local partners in community clinics, churches, law enforcement, state and local and tribal governments that ultimately will turn the tide on this epidemic. they are fighting each day face to face with the drug crisis that is calling more than 175 americans every day. just think about that for a second. that means that we ll lose seven of our fellow americans to drug overdoses during this press briefing along. that kind of urgency is why the
my hometown and my family for years. it was years ago in fact i lost a close relative who constantly struggled with opioids. this christmas and holiday season all of us should consider following the president s example and think what we can do in our private lives to fight back against a crisis tearing american families apart. we all know people who are hurting this holiday season and we as americans i know will rise to the rate. thanks for having me here today and thanks once again to president trump for his generous donation. thank you, sarah. thank you. appreciate it. thank you. acting secretary hargon. appreciate you being here today. on behalf of the department. you have a cold, sarah? actually strep clothroat. i may slip a drink of water. thank you for your concern and may not stay as long as normal but do the best i can. steve, start with you on