Karnataka's Kalaburagi, or Gulbarga, is under the spotlight because it is not Congress president M Mallikarjun Kharge but his son-in-law Radhakrishna Doddamani in the fray. He will be taking on Bharatiya Janata Party's incumbent MP Umesh G Jadhav
After the States Reorganisation Act, which renamed Mysore State as Karnataka in 1973, the state has had only 72 women MLAs out of 10,080 in the last 45 years
Data over the past 45 years shows that there has been a slight increase in women's participation in Karnataka politics and some wins, but the rate of increase is too slow.
Abdul Majeed, who received 22.19% of votes, saved his deposit in Mysuru district's Narasimharaja. In 2013, the SDPI leader finished second in the constituency and last time too managed to save his deposit.