The Gujarat government has decided to fast-track the recruitment for class-3 positions, Cabinet Minister Rushikesh Patel said in the state assembly, adding that a comprehensive recruitment drive is set to commence, aiming to fill 8,000 posts .
Finally, bowing down to pressure, the chairman of the Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board (GSSSB) (Gaun Seva Pasandagi Mandal), Asit Vora stepped down on Monday, submitting his resignation to Gujarat chief minister Bhupendra Patel.Vora .
Finally, bowing down to pressure, the chairman of the Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board (GSSSB) (Gaun Seva Pasandagi Mandal), Asit Vora stepped down on Monday, submitting his resignation to Gujarat chief minister Bhupendra Patel.
Harsh Sanghvi, Minister of State (MoS) for Home, Gujarat government, said that the exam for recruitment of head clerks will now be held in March next yea i.e. 2022.