Shares of Ashoka Buildcon jumped 11 per cent to Rs 98.50 on the BSE in intra-day trade on Friday, after the company received a letter of award (LOA) from Gujarat Rail Infrastructure Development Corp (G-RIDE). The LOA is for the project Gauge conversion of Bechraji (63.83 KM) - Ranuj (101.983 KM) Section, total length of 38.1 km metre gauge to broad gauge with 25 KV AC electrification in Ahmedabad. The accepted project cost is Rs 333.625 crore, Ashoka Buildcon said in a exchange filing.
At 11:13 am; the stock was trading 8 per cent higher at Rs 96 on the BSE, as compared to 0.38 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. The trading volume more-than-doubled with a combined 4.4 million equity shares changed hands on the NSE and BSE. It had hit a 52-week high of Rs 118.65 on February 17.
Stocks in news: Wipro, Tata Steel, Vodafone Idea, Ashoka Buildcon and more
Stocks in news: Wipro, Tata Steel, Ashoka Buildcon, Vodafone Idea, and more
BusinessToday.In | April 16, 2021 | Updated 09:25 IST
Stocks to watch today: Wipro, Tata Steel, Ashoka Buildcon, Vodafone Idea, IL&FS, Dabur India and more
Indian equity market is likely to open flat today. On Thursday, benchmark indices managed to close higher in a highly volatile session led by gains in banking and metal stocks. After moving 877 points during the session, Sensex ended 259 points higher at 48,803 and Nifty rose 76.65 points to 14,581.45.
Wipro: The firm reported a 27.7 per cent year-on-year (YoY) rise in its consolidated net profit at Rs 2,972.3 crore in Q4. Sequentially, the company s net profit declined 0.8 per cent from Rs 2,997.8 crore in December quarter.