The 30-share BSE Sensex pack edged 14 points or 0.02 per cent to close at 59,847; while the broader NSE Nifty index moved 25 points or 0.14 per cent up to settle at 17,624. Mid and smallcap shares finished on a strong note, with the Nifty Midcap 100 up 0.38 per cent and Nifty Smallcap 100 rising 0.28 per cent.
Emami (Rs 4 per share), Sun TV (Rs 3.75 per share), Gujarat Pipavav (Rs 2.70 per share), LA Opala RG (Rs 2 per share) and Astral (Rs 1.25 per share) will go ex-dividend today
Nifty futures on the Singapore Exchange quoted 56 points, or 0.30 per cent, higher at 18,431, hinting at a positive start for the domestic market on Friday