Morbi: The investigating officer added two IPC sections in the complaint filed against the 9 accused in the Morbi bridge collapse tragedy case. The investigation officer added IPC sections 336 and 337, and adding of IPC section 338 is kept pending by the court.
Kheda: Assembly Election are around the corner in the Gujarat and the politics has started picking pace. Today, Around 150 people, including Amul director and Congress leader Ghelabhai Jhala, took the mantle of Bhartiya Janta Party. Around 150 people, including Ghelabhai Jhala of Kapadvanj assembly seat in District Kheda donned Kesario khes today.
Morbi: Among 132 deaths, officially declared by the State government in Morbi bridge collapse tragedy, a total of 51 are children. The age of the children who died in the tragedy ranges between 2 years to 16 years.
Gandhinagar: In his Mann Ki Baat address today, Prime Minister Narendrabhai Modi conversed with the locals of India's first 24 by 7 solar powered village Modhera in North Gujarat who are benefitted with this solar power initiative.