The San Diego Air & Space Museum new permanent “Breaking Barriers” exhibit honors pioneering Black American aviators and astronauts throughout history.
Black History is the telling of American History with soul. The contributions madeby Black folks who built the United States barely receive acknowledgment orpraise. Below are some forgotten historical moments that deserve recognitionand gratitude for their impact. 1. The Original Medicine Woman No one could understand the hardship level of racism and sexism in 1864 […]
'Her light. like the ancient galaxies now being seen for the first time, will remain for us and future generations to enjoy, learn from, and draw inspiration.'
'Her light. like the ancient galaxies now being seen for the first time, will remain for us and future generations to enjoy, learn from, and draw inspiration.'
Using an artistic technique dating back to the Renaissance era known as a “triangle” perspective, artist Hubert Jackson establishes a layered hierarchy to convey contributions made by Black women and men in the space program.