1 A Verdict For Derek Chauvin: Guilty On All Counts
While it s not known how much time he’ll spend in prison, Derek Chauvin is guilty on all counts in the death of George Floyd. The verdict heard round the world – even cheered by the likes of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson – has been met with peaceful demonstrations across the country. As for the sentencing, it’s expected to take place in about eight weeks – and Chauvin will be held in protective custody until that time. Once handed down, how much time Chauvin will actually serve depends on how his sentences are issued. It also depend on the outcome of the appeals Chauvin’s attorney most certainly will file. While the second-degree murder charge carries a maximum sentence of 40 years, the third-degree murder carries a maximum sentence of 25 years and the manslaughter charge carries a top sentence of ten years. The sentencing is up to the Judge Peter Cahill and he could hand down concurrent sentences, instead of mul