nancy pelosi would have a very hard time explaining to a lot of her own members let alone a broader coalition of her season in voters out there why she capitulated and gave the hostage taker the goods. and that s the rub here. so maybe that sweet spot does exist. both sides right now just don t find it. the american people are giving them some guide posts here and saying what they absolutely do not want to see happen and the question is whether or not the leadership has the, you know, the strength to pull in that direction. the more the president addition in, steve, as we look deeper into the cbs poll the lower his approval ratings go. he s at 36% with a disapproval at 59%. and to michael steele s point, being president isn t about appealing to your base, at least it s not supposed to be. it s supposed to be governing the country, the entire country. you have these federal workers out of work.
significant and tangible consumer benefits, and every day we spend litigating this deal is a day we re waiting in bringing those benefits to the customers. but we do not intend to settle this matter out of simple expediency because the rule of law is at issue here. consistency in the application of the law is critical in a free market economy. and it s equally important for preserving confidence in our government. confidence that they will fairly adjudicate the matters brought before them. when the government suddenly and without notice or any due process discards decades of legal precedent, businesses large and small are left with no guide posts. every business combination or significant investment becomes subject to the whim of a regulator. as we re seeing here, that tepids to tends to be a roll of the dice. we have no intention of
talking about is if we bring back all of this growth and we help support the economy, the other factor we haven t considered is will we start having to raise interest rates and how will that affect the consumer. right. everybody s been enjoying them. low interest rate, easy money. but you also haven t had a good return on your savings account. let s not rush to judgment. what i like is they put out some guide posts. it s going to take us through the end of the year but i would say to folks, let s take the time to think about, could dividends rise, could it be better for your retirement savings? might the implications for interest rates be something they have to factor in before they say these are the levels at which we re going to change the tax brackets? there s all kinds of things right now that they have to jockey and negotiate on. sure. and so i give them credit for putting out what they ve put out thus far. right.
insurance was never the right solution for our country. the way to make health insurance available is to lower the cost of health insurance and that is what we are going do. did you hear specifics? a workable plan? i didn t hear a plan and lots of republicans wanted to hear a plan. i was talking to a bunch before the speech and they want guide posts. the president was not going to do that because there aren t any guide posts at this point. lots of conservatives who are worried about a proposal circulating that includes tax
conflict of interest question in peru yesterday. listen. when i met with the president-elect i suggested to him that having a strong white house counsel that could provide clear guide posts and rules would benefit him and benefit his team because it would eliminate a lot of ambiguity. so, richard, is the president-elect likely to take that advice? well, i very much hope so because this is going to be a very challenging situation. but i think that anybody who takes that job is likely to try to convince him to sell off these business assets. they create too many problems. come on, richard. at the risk of foreign government money getting in there is substantial. do you think there s any chance he is going to sell off the trump assets? you re taking my questions. i m sorry. i apologize. no, i m thinking the exact