20 2008 wasn t the number, it was the quality and the type of executive actions he believed were not appropriate. republicans say the white house has flipped on a promise not to launch end runs around the constulation. it s part of the reasons there s so little trust in the white house, because they re going way beyond the original intent of lots of the legislation. they change it and interpret it to their own wims. on his signature health care reform alone, the president has taken 29 executive actions to rewrite the law, starting on november 6th, 2012, while attention was focused on election day. the administration put out guide nls on increased medicaid reimporousment for positions. then in 2013, four other majors changes in 21 days. followed by a series of bigger moves that pushed unpopular sections past the midterm elections. in april, delaying the small business health option until 2015. in july, pushing back the employer mandate for employees