Both Beat Expectations on earnings and revenue, thanks in no small part to investments in artificial intelligence. One Stand Out Spot for alphabet was google cloud revenue, whichjumped 28 in 01. A lot of Generative Ai Tools that rely on the cloud to reach customers. Alphabet announced some good news for investors, its first ever dividend of 20 cents per share, and first ever dividend of 20 cents pershare, and an first ever dividend of 20 cents per share, and an additional 70 billion buy back. That initially sent shares into double digits after the bell. And for microsofts part, its Intelligent Cloud Division delivered greater revenue than expected thanks to Microsoft Partnership but with openai, the creator of chatgpt. Shares rose on the news. And together, they should go some way through restoring confidence in the tech sector which was shaken wednesday after metas stock fell after its own Earnings Report and after the market was rattled by slowing us gdp and stubborn inflation. In ot
Earnings on thursday, alphabet and microsoft took centre stage. Both Beat Expectations on earnings and revenue, thanks in no small part to investments in artificial intelligence, One Stand Out spot for alphabet was google cloud revenue whichjumped 28 in 01. A lot of Generative Ai Tools that rely on the cloud to reach customers. Alphabet announced some good news for investors, its first ever dividend of 20 cents per share, and an additional 70 billion buy back. That sent shares into double digits after the bill. For microsofts part, its Intelligent Cloud Division delivered greater revenue than expected thanks to Microsoft Partnership but with openai, the creator of chat gbd. Chatg pt. And together, they should go some way through restoring confidence in the tech sector which was shaken wednesday after metas stock fell after its own Earnings Report and the market was rattled by slowing us gdp and stubborn inflation. Intel also announced its results but it was its outlook for the Second Q
Stage. Both Beat Expectations on earnings and revenue, thanks in no small part to investments in no small part to investments in artificial intelligence, One Stand Out spot for alphabet was google cloud revenue which jumped 28 in quarter one. A lot of Generative Ai Tools that rely on the cloud to reach customers. Alphabet announced good news for investors, its first ever dividend of 20 cents per share, and first ever dividend of 20 cents pershare, and an first ever dividend of 20 cents per share, and an additional 70 billion buy back. That sent shares into double digits after the bill. For microsofts part, its Intelligent Cloud Division delivered greater revenue than expected thanks to Microsoft Partnership but with openai, the creator of chat gbd. And together, they should go some way through restoring confidence in the tech sector which was shaken wednesday after medas stock fell after its Earnings Report and the market was rattled by slowing us gdp and stubborn inflation. Lets stay
Taste different different, yes im a content maker, activist and broadcaster. Hi, guys. This is my first blind vlog. Ten years ago, i lost my eyesight and since then, ive been on a mission to prove that having a disability doesnt have to hold me back. That having a disability ive come a long way learning to live with sight loss. Hello, sweetheart. Good girl. But ive never been this far away from home. Its just hit me like a ton of bricks that its actually really hard being in a new place when you cant see it. In this first episode. The ferry s about to depart . Im travelling from the mainland to one of the remotest parts of japan. Oh, what are these for . But will i be able to make sense of a country so famous for its visual beauty . This is japan the way i see it. Im injapan s capital city, tokyo. Its my first time injapan. Its going to be very exciting but very overwhelming. Wheres the line . Ive lost the line. 0h, here. Heres the line. I left my guide dog at home and im travelling wi
Smell and touch. All the colours taste different different, yes im a content maker, activist and broadcaster. Hi, guys. This is my first blind vlog. Ten years ago, i lost my eyesight and since then, ive been on a mission to prove that having a disability doesnt have to hold me back. Ive come a long way learning to live with sight loss. Hello, sweetheart. Good girl. But ive never been this far away from home. Its just hit me like a ton of bricks that its actually really hard being in a new place when you cant see it. In this first episode. The ferry s about to depart . Im travelling from the mainland to one of the remotest parts of japan. Ooh, what are these for . But will i be able to make sense of a country so famous for its visual beauty . This is japan the way i see it. Im injapan s capital city, tokyo. Its my first time injapan. Its going to be very exciting but very overwhelming. Wheres the line . Ive lost the line. 0h, here. Heres the line. I left my guide dog at home and im trav