On July 26, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), in a 3-2 vote, adopted rules that will require public companies to make prescribed cybersecurity disclosures.1 The.
Last week, the SEC proposed rule amendments to enhance and standardize disclosures regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incident reporting by public companies.
On March 9, 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") proposed rules that would require public companies to make prescribed cybersecurity disclosures. The proposed rules.
On October 27, 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a newly updated rule under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) intended to require financial institutions to strengthen.
This past summer’s string of cyber enforcement actions signals that cybersecurity has become a top priority for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). This focus is.