On October 14, 2022, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force ("Task Force") published yet another update for Federal contractors regarding the Federal Government's approach to enforcing.
On October 14, 2022, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (“Task Force”) published yet another update for Federal contractors regarding the Federal Government’s approach to enforcing.
This Primer provides introductory guidance to complying with U.S. forced labor laws for importers, and includes an introductory overview to forced labor laws, U.S. Customs and Border.
We can all agree that goods made from forced labor, indentured labor or child labor should not be introduced into the U.S. market. Indeed, U.S. law prohibits the entry of goods made from forced labor.
We can all agree that goods made from forced labor, indentured labor or child labor should not be introduced into the U.S. market. Indeed, U.S. law prohibits the entry of goods made.