. i offered amendments but democrats use the filibuster to block it from even happening. imagining listening to scott we met a unified country with low crime in high spirits. but they didn t want that. they didn t because i didn t want republicans to lead the way . the democrats are like the drun guy at the party who insists he doesn t need a ride home and ends up crashing. it s not about a solution come it s about making sure that the republicans don t have any part in it so they will take their misery over any reform. we need to reform. reform not deform. the squad girls said defined. we are not going to define, we are going to refund. we are going to reset or redo. do, do, do, do. knock it off.
Aus zwei Dörfern wuchs der Ort einst zusammen. Heute eint die Mendener ein Heimatgefühl,
für das neben dem Esel, der im Zentrum steht, auch das rege Vereinsleben eine große Rolle spielt
data on kids and a reaction to say despite the absence of data we re going to mandate masks on kids and then of course you see a counter reaction to that. i think people demand data and the cdc director was asked by senator marshall last week, hav any healthy kids died of covid and she said i don t know. there seems to be as certain scolding characteristic coming from political leaders about vaccination. listen to this montage of president biden in a and a couple of others. if we could just get everybody vaccinated that s not vaccinated, that s refusing to get vaccinated, that s living vaccine free and it s like drun drivers, they don t have the. the anti- vax or are crimina at this point. what they are doing to this country is undermining our future. so they have are not as smar as you thought you were, claiming people who have
the school s title 9 department telling me no uncertain terms that i had to pack up my stuff and leave my dorm immediately. to john, it had been a sexual encounter of a type not uncommon among james comey young people. even jane doe had not called it assault at first. he still remembers their long discussion the day after. we talked for nearly three or four hours and we alcoholichockit up to you a drun mistake. now here he was the campus rapist. young men kicked out of class. not allowed to be in the same room with young women. so your thoughts on where this was? being accused of something is not the same thing as being guilty of it again, the case was stacked against the accuser or against the accused person under the obama guidelines. i think some balance was needed there because you want the outcome to have some support, some