Let Wither Jammu Bloom
Prof Suresh Chander Map of Jammu Division J ammu’s neglect has been recognised ever since the power in the State of Jammu and Kashmir exchanged hands in 1947 from Maharaja Hari Singh to the National Conference headed by Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah. The Jammu’s voice at that time was represented by Praja Parishad. It launched an agitation ‘Ek Vidhan, Ek Nishan, Ek Pradhan’ in early 50s. Perhaps the leadership of Praja Parishad thought that once their demand of ‘Ek Vidhan, Ek Nishan, Ek Pradhan’ is met then all regions and its people will be treated equally under the constitution of India. Unfortunately the agitation did not have a logical end in spite of supreme sacrifice of Dr Shyama Prasad Mookerjee in this cause. This perhaps was due to weak opposition and the general ignorance about Jammu in the rest of the country at that time. In public perception and in political discourse the State of Jammu and Kashmir meant the valley and valley alone. On ma