ainsley: toba help me out. brian: there is no toba. steve: live studio audience fox & friends, fox & friends live. but, in the meantime, we have a fox news alert. brian: here is a news story that sounds like an old story. we have another karen van to follow. yep, dodging tear gas in guatemala as they march towards the u.s. border. ainsley: new migrant caravan is expected to arrive in mexico by tomorrow. steve: right now they are at the honduran, guatemalaen border. griff jenkins is there. griff, why the tear gas? griff: guys, tear gas because it was a swelled border that had men trying to get in before the women and children. where we are, just so you are oriented it s in the northwest most part of honduras before you cross into guatemala and the border here has just opened. behind me all the way down the road hundreds of migrants in the caravan wanting to come, show their papers and then get peacefully through. there is agreement between
some have dropped off, many have gone home. some have actually sought asylum in the country of mexico where they have offered people work permits. look, if you want to go somewhere, come here the president of mexico has said. most of those are continuing on. and then there is a second caravan about 3,000 down near the guatemalaen border. brian: i know our military is the best in the world. general mattis is a fine commander but it s going to be so hard, i imagine, and challenging and important to get the coordination down between the national guard that s there. between the regular army the regular military that s reporting. and now the border guards that are actually on the front line. i think most importantly, it sends a message, the whole problem with taking the kids away at the border was not we wanted to take kids away. send a message that our borders are not open. we have a system to apply for asylum. what they want to do is get the message to central and south america serious
i m all in favor of a bill o reilly boycott of mexico. why? why reward the mexicans. why go to mexico as you point out and spend your money when you can vacation other places? why buy their at this quilla. i like tequila and buying it. why would we regard them and give them legal status and benefits in this country? why would we do that? there are other places to go and buy that you can hurt them. you know, bill, you make a good point. this administration isn t going to do it. the people have to do. the mexican people and cartels which are basically one and the same see this president as a weakling. mexico does not fear the united states. not at all. if the folks get together and vfw is a good start. carville, i understand this hurts mexican workers and i don t want to do that all right? but, it s basically this country is hurting us we the people. these children who they are allowing in on the guatemalaen border.
o reilly boycott of mexico. why? why reward the mexicans. why go to mexico as you point out and spend your money when you can vacation other places? why buy their at this quilla. i like tequila and buying it. why would we regard them and give them legal status and benefits in this country? why would we do that? there are other places to go and buy that you can hurt them. you know, bill, you make a good point. this administration isn t going to do it. the people have to do. the mexican people and cartels which are basically one and the same see this president as a weakling. mexico does not fear the united states. not at all. if the folks get together and vfw is a good start. carville, i understand this hurts mexican workers and i don t want to do that all right? but, basically this country is hurting us we the people. these children who they are allowing in on the guatemalaen border. they are allowing them to