Within minutes of news reaching Australia that Cardinal George Pell had died in Rome, ABC TV “star” reporter Louise Milligan put out this tweet: “George Pell is dead. This will be a very triggering day for a lot of people. Thinking of them.”
This Ivermectin Study Appears Fraudulent but Not a ‘Surgisphere Moment’
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Watchers of COVID-19 repurposed drug trials are abuzz with the news that a sizable Egyptian trial sponsored by Benha University in Egypt is actually problematic. Why? It looks like a confluence of factors, from laziness and plagiarism to more than likely lack of resources and what appears to be a fraudulent misrepresentation of data, taint a widely cited study known as Elgazzar et al.
TrialSite celebrates this moment. This is what this platform is all about transparency is key, and one of the fundamental criticisms of some of the apex players in research evidence, from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to the World Health Organization (WHO), have called out that a considerable number of the many dozen randomized controlled trials from around the world have the potential to reveal design problems, data inconsistency, etc. Their criticism includes some correct points in that the p