Is not we dont need to be captives or hostage to the idea that in an earlier age there was no physical way, there was no technological way for us to come together and i would suggest that only under the very narrow circumstances anticipated by this resolution could we continue to work on behalf of the american public. I appreciate and yield back you also raised are the point. I dont think theres any constitutional issues revolving revolving around whether or not committees can meet virtually. I mean, the constitution the commit constitution creates the committees. We all agree on that. Miss shalala. Mr. Chairman, i want to make a comment about the suggestion that scientists and Public Health people are making policy in this country. They are not. Were the policymakers. The governors, the mayors are the policymakers. They seek advice during a crisis like this one with a vicious virus from experienced scientists and Public Health officials, and they can take that advice or not take that
Mr. Jackson year on thank you very much. Thank you and good morning, welcome to the mcgowan theater, we are here to salute american icons the tuskegee airmen, please allow me to introduce the panel. And then we will come back here from our panelists, and they will ask the field to give questions, i may recite the question a timer to just required a. Lets start with the person closest to me with the blue cap, Lieutenant Colonel robert friend. Next to him, harold browns. Lieutenant colonel george hardy, Lieutenant Colonel alexander jefferson. Lieutenant colonel, james h. Harvey the third. And are closer, Lieutenant Colonel harrison. This lets her start, he was born in the first guess he was born in south carolina. Girlfriend, we will yield the floor to you, and then we will ask our friends in the audience to give you questions, lets have a round of applause for our first panelist. Colonel friend just give us a brief history about you i was always interested in flying and when the chances
Different set of drugs then you might need at later point in the disease. Not to make too complicated rep. Mccarthy i want to thank you all for joining me and before we begin, i want to continue to pray for everyone who has lost loved ones on this virus. I also want to thank all those from the medical community, to the Truck Drivers to the farmers to the grocery clerks two people who take out food, everyone making sure the country is still working through this. We cannot thank them enough, especially on the front lines, all those in the medical community as well. Ofave put together a group slide decks since we cannot be in person with one another, i thought i thought that could work better. Is first slide decks i go to some of the data we have from Johns Hopkins. We are still suffering from the virus, but we are making progress. On a gottlieb said today plateau, there are a couple things i take from this Johns Hopkins numbers from a positive sense of where i look at it, we have a downw
Early in 1945, b29s began fullscale operations against japan. 1,500 miles to the targets and 1,500 miles back from bases in saipan, tinian and guam. Here was the begin ining of the end to the road to tokyo. After six months of reoccupation, there were few signs of war. Along the quiet summer shores of guam. Back in their clean native villages, american citizens again, smiling and friendly, unaware that a miracle had happened around them. A miracle that moved mountains of material, equipment and supplies. Across the pacific. That changed their dirt roads into highways, that manicured their jungles into blacktop fields. Nearby new communities of american citizens set up housekeeping with various types of self service. The latest laborsaving devices, few laundry problems and no modern inconveniences. By midsummer, 21st Bomber Command was in business, big business. Under general mays direction, they began punching the enemy with appalling power from guam, tinian and saipan, 600 plane missi
Treatment under federal programs, and the financial situation. And so the islands having been hit by actual disasters in turn including hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes. Now those are we getting the aslth care infrastructure covid19. Local governments has been working to recover and rebuild under these events. But i believe there is more than needs to be done. Things that this virus has provided all of us is a perspective that as we go through and talk about recovery and relief, that there is a cumulative effect. And theres not been enough resources. Suddenly you are drowned economically and in terms of Health Response this very deadly virus. So it becomes a cumulative effect. Disparity at the beginning, and then you put disparity on top, you demand a response that is already taxing local communities and local governments. So i welcome this discussion. I think it is important. I think my colleagues, vice chair sablan of the full and internal affairs in. Particular. Thank you very, muc