A generation of student loan borrowers, including those living in Guam, may rest a little easier should the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness proposal survive the legal challenges ahead.
Two staff members are now available at the Government of Guam Relief Center to help translate documents and assist Chuukese residents through the process of applying for various government financial
More than 4,000 households that struggled through pandemic-related difficulties received financial assistance for rent and utility payments through the Emergency Rental Assistance program, according to a news release from the
Information on the power bill credits program and updates on operations by the Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention were discussed during the Thursday meeting of the Interagency Council
Just over 14,480 residents who applied for and were approved for direct cash assistance through Prugråman Salåppe’ Ayudon I Taotao 3 will soon see their $500 lump sum payments, according