Precinct Reporter Group News Sidewalks for Muscoy Project to Become Reality Share:
Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes and the County of San Bernardino announced that the California Transportation Commission has voted to approve funding for the Muscoy Area Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Improvements Project. The funding will come from the state’s Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 5 and will provide the project with a $1.88 million grant. The grant will be matched with funding from the County of San Bernardino.
The approval of the funding for the project represents the culmination of several years’ worth of collaborative efforts to improve the area. The project was first conceived at the “DREAM BIG IE” Youth Empowerment Summit hosted by Majority Leader Reyes in 2017. At the summit, parents and students from Muscoy advocated for improved sidewalks and safer route infrastructu