Berlin - Der Präsident des Industrieverbands BDI, Siegfried Russwurm, hat die Politik zur Stärkung des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland aufgerufen. "Die Gefahr ist groß, dass unser Standort Deutschland
gruft? no. maybe. look it up in the dictionary. gay raft. gingrich ad blasts romney for speaking phren. you said the attack doesn t work. i don t know about that. some people are thinking, well, i was going to vote for romney, but i heard he speaks french and now i am not going to. those people are not voting are voting for somebody else. the only attack that was going to work is the one about the factories. laying people off and it will work. you know what he should do? i love it when you get a thought. romney should go on undercover boss. that s a great idea. get his hands dirty. they always love the undercover boss and in the end he gives out a scholarship. does he have a job now? undercover boss? no, mitt romney. michael, in a couple weeks he will be fine until the convention. he can drive his own tour bus, things like that. nobody would recognize it.