extremely easy to access because our gun laws are built with holes in them. our federal system does not cover private transactions, which means that you can sell a gun to a friend at a yard sale. and most states are like this. so virginia can have very strong gun laws. but if there are weak gun laws in neighboring states it undermines all that progress. catherine, that is exactly the point i have asked about so many times when we re reporting on these awful mass shootings. why can t there be more questions asked at the point of purchase, some sort of screening done to weed out people who this guy last night the shooter he was described by all his coworkers as gruff, mean, condescending, made threats. he was paranoid about the government. he talked about it all the time. he threatened what he would do, there would be retaliation if he was ever fired. i mean is there no kind of screening or questions that could be asked by gun sellers? it s not a law that you have to
to a friend at a yard sale. most states are like this. so, virginia can have very strong gun laws. but if there are week gun laws in neighboring states, it undermines all of that progress. catherine, that is exactly the point i ve asked about so many times when we are reporting on these awful mass shootings. why can t there be more questions asked at the point of purchase? some sort of screening done to weed out people? this guy, last night the shooter was described by all of his coworkers as gruff, mean, condescending, made threats. he was paranoid about the government. he talked about it all the time. he threatened what he would do, there would be retaliation if he was ever fired. is there no kind of screening or questions that could be asked by gun sellers? it s not a law that you have to sell a gun to anyone who asks. why can t we do a better job of this? well, i think you made a good point. they can refuse any sale, and i
out flyers, gruff and stoic, except when the pain was just too much. just that three years it s still rough. larry took us to sandra s grave. told us how he promised to bring her killer to justice. she won t be forgotten as long as i m alive. we had no idea then where this meeting would lead us, that our journey would last a decade, a case that would expose evil lurking in this garden paradise, and bring larry to the edge of his own mortality. many on kauai new sandra, even watched her as a teenager dancing in a local marketing video. like many here, she was multi-racial, growing up in a household that was half japanese, half portuguese, all hawaiian. and a devout catholic
yell, but they can be tough, but they inspire and you don t want to fail because you want to make them proud, so maybe his bedside manner was a little gruff. the truth may be somewhere in the middle, but i do have to say if i was spending $2,000 a year to send my son to nyu i would want that guy who wrote the book to be teaching organic chemistry and putting all of this aside, i mean colleges to coddle kids. we have safe spaces in therapy animals and it feels like they teachers are scared of the kids, the administration is scared of the kids now because they don t want to get canceled which is such a role reversal. that s right started, cancellation. so if we are teaching our kids come up what we are telling them as failure is not acceptable and that can feel that they try not too. but failure is where the lessons often are. i teach my kids that every day. they are first and third grade, and they have and they have certain that. in your house or at school? to keep the same school