Host i have to leave it there. House is about to come in for the legislative morning, live coverage here on cspan. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the spker pro tempor the house wl be in orde the chair lay before the hoe a cmucation from the eaker. The clerk t speers roo. Washiton, d. C. July 25, 2019. I hereby point the horab hen cuellar to act as speaker proempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of t house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursut to t order of the house of january 3, 2019, e chair wi now recognize membersrom lis submitted by t majoritand minority leads for morning ho debate. The chair will alternate recognitionetween the rties. All timehallbe equay allocatedetween the pares anin nevent shl debate ntibeyond 11 50 a. M. Eachember other than the majoty and minority leaders and minority whi
Here, Historian Dana Beck reminisces about two centuries of barbershops in Inner Southeast
Saturdays were often the most popular day of the week for men in the 1920 s, and it wasn t just because for many it was a day off. There wasn t a week that you wouldn t find a gathering of gentlemen at the local barbershop, weekends included.
It s not that men a century ago were fastidious about their looks; it s just that the corner barbershop was where men gathered to banter with each other, follow their favorite sports teams, and hear the latest local gossip. And, like many other local communities in the City of Portland and across the nation, Sellwood and Westmoreland offered a host of hair cutting establishments to choose from.