I dont think we should justify peoples assumptions about children or about schools under any circumstances. At the same time, i think you have to recognize probably the difficulty for somebody who has no experience both of the south or of poverty or of our Public Schools and doesnt know the craft of teaching. They probably have, as you would know because youve taught, right . They have a lot to learn. And i just hope that people come to schools with humility, understanding that theyre not there to impose their will or vision onto the children or the schools. Made assumptions about the students and their capabilities and it is a recurring issue over time. I want to add something from my city with a 4000 population. We have a Votech Center. And instead of Government Force for people to go here and there, people want to come. We have our Votech Center you may have read about, the sundance are solar car racing scene, we won the National Championship of the winston dell solar challenge in o
Somehow it was about me which is, i think, a tendency of any young person who is 22, but especially someone who comes and does a Service Teaching program that has a year or twoyear stint. And i think, i think that the answer is that people coming in need to be more humble and to do better. I dont think we should justify peoples assumptions about children or about schools under any circumstances. At the same time, i think you have to recognize probably the difficulty for somebody who has no experience both of the south or of poverty or of our Public Schools and doesnt know the craft of teaching. They probably have, as you would know because youve taught, right . They have a lot to learn. And i just hope that people come to schools with humility, understanding that theyre not there to impose their will or vision onto the children or the schools. Made assumptions about the students and their capabilities and it is a recurring issue over time. I want to add something from my city with a 40
His son across the country and an indepth relation with technology and the pressing philosophical issues. Im going to be doing townhall meetings and meeting with local journalists and some of our role counties in michigan. I will be at coffee shops and do more townhall meetings. People come join me for part of the ride if theyd like. We are going from town to town. I thought it was time to pick that book up and read it again. The book im reading now is by Edward Wilson and his social con quest of the earth that talks about a humans journey and our development over the years and how individual selection and Group Selection form who we are and talks about our strong societies as a result of these evolutionary avenues that we have taken as a species and i have just ordered the meaning of human existence from him which is his capstone book. Dont we all want to know the meaning of human existence . Im looking forward to reading the continuation of his social conquest book. Then we will see
Dan. Literally, lightbulb went on when i read that book and i decided that maybe my life was not going to consist of getting married and having children and live in that kind of life that i should be thinking about taking care of myself and expanding my own horizon. I can honestly say that is one book that totally changed my way of thinking about myself. Programs online at booktv. Org. Best selling author eric metaxas is next on booktv. His most recent book is if you can keep it the forgotten promis of american liberty. Welcome and happy flag day. [applause] i hope i have communicated to you how excited i am that it is flag day. Did anybody read what i wrote in todays paper . [applause] i wrote an oped in the wall street journal today about flag day am and ill be talking about that a little bit later on but im just really, really excited about that. I want to talk about why that is important to be that it is important and it kind of ties into the theme of the book actually. Im not talk
Anonymous at the title case in all of american constitutional law, loving versus the commonwecommonwe alth of virginia. Not another reason i like that book if it goes to an earlier question is whether people get in touch with me because a big portion had to do with interracial adoption. Theres lots of people who read the book and now they were being frustrated by their ability to a drop across the race line and that book made the argument that nobody in the states ought not get in the way of people who want to adopt across the baseline and that book has been used very widely and legislation. It has been used in litigation. It has been used to in courage people to adopt interracially and i am very happy about that. Host Randall Kennedy occurred on a tv in depth program. He discussed his entire body of work and we discussed that one as well. If youd like to watch a threehour program or parts of it, go to booktv. Org. In the upper lefthand function function corner is a search function. Wa