not just obese tishgs a major issue, also having the problems with education requirements and kids with criminal backgrounds. it s a real credit to the recruiters we re making recruiter goals baufr the problems they have to go out and talk to more team. you know as well as i do, this isn t a new issue, goes back to world war ii, we had recruits not fit to fight then. congress passed the national school lunch program, and now my question to you is, whose responsibility is this? does it again fall on our lawmakers to make sure our kids are fit and these recruits are fit to fight? caller: i think it s a challenge for the nation. i think there s a number of things we have to look at for our young people. in terms of education. in terms of their nutrition. it s thing wes have to step back and look at as a nation as we move forward. and i just have to ask you as well. this group our d.c., this mission readiness group that put out this report.